Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Honey Homemade Beauty Recipes

Honey is made by the worker bee which is a female. She seems to know
exactly what the females need and how to formulate it.
You can avoid petroleum derivatives present in synthetic cosmetics by
utilizing the know-how of a great pharmacist (the bee), through simply
mixing some natural ingredients to her ready-made product (honey).
You will get high quality beauty-care products which really nourish
your skin, the largest organ in your body.
The first woman who used honey in her beauty care was Cleopatra of ancient Egypt. Now let us to go to work.

Face Masks

Mask is the best form that complies with the consistency of honey. it
nourishes the skin and keeps it moisturized. Regular use of them keeps
skin juvenile and retards wrinkle formation.
To mix the ingredients you can use mixer. They are left for about 1/2
an hour, then removed using a gauze and warm water and then washed.

Cleopatra Mask

Honey 1 teaspoonful
Milk 1 tablespoonful
Egg White of 1 egg
If you use milk powder, calculate the water percentage.

Egg White Mask

Honey 1 teaspoonful
Glycerin 1 teaspoonful
Egg White of 1 egg

Egg yolk Mask

Honey 1 teaspoonful
Glycerin 1 teaspoonful
Egg yolk of 1 egg

Quick Mask

Honey 100 g
Alcohol 25 ml
Water 25 ml
N.B. The alcohol content may compensate for diluting honey, regarding

Fairness Mask

Honey 10 g
Distilled water 155 ml
Alcohol70% 30 ml
Borax 4 g
Bergamot oil 3 drops
Orange oil 2drops

Hands Care
You can use any of the previous masks, yet there are some more
convenient for use for hands.

1- Emulsion for hands

Honey 2 teaspoonful
Almond oil 1 teaspoonful
Perfume few drops
Massage your hands, leave for a while and wash if you need.

2- Paste for hands

Honey 10 g
Wheat flour 6 g
Water 4 g
Massage your hands.

Total Body Care
Besides the orally taken stuff, you can care about the skin of the whole body by making some modification of the bathing water:
Add 200-250 g of honey to the Bathing water.
If used once in a while (e.g.every 2 weeks), it will keep on a good
turger of the cells and nourishes the skin.

Cracked Lips

Honey 10 g
Lemon juice 10 g
To be used concomitantly with lip moisturizer containing Panthenol.
Go ahead, nourish your skin and don't plaster it.


Nature reveals its secrets in the new BIOSKINCARE snail cream.

We all know that nature holds the secrets and cures for many millions of diseases and conditions all around the world, we discovered that we didn't realise that it is closer than we thought. However I think I have found an answer - BIOSKINCARE. They have very cleverly put all the natural gifts into one new product that will relieve all your skin disorders, conditions and just generally give you beautiful healthy skin.

BIOSKINCARE ™ is a natural cream that is based on the most valued bio-available skincare ingredients that nature has already made available. "Helix Aspera Müller", is a small snail that inhabits the landscapes of Chile moving over rigid rocks, prickly leaves and thorns abrading its delicate body while predators pick at its shell leaving it defenceless. This little creature however is not affected at all, it simply produces a secretion that protects its body while repairing and renewing its damaged skin surface and shell. The mucin contains powerful bioactive protein enzymes, copper peptides, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglyacns that together activate the elimination of dead and damaged skin cells and the renewal of healthy cells.

BIOSKINCARE has taken that exact bio-available secretion, the perfect gift from nature, and combined it with natural ingredients into a magnificent cream that is their gift to us. The excretion is extracted during a labor-extensive process and the little creatures are in no way harmed. the extract is then blended with a skin friendly pH stable system; globally used and accepted preservatives ; phenoxyethanol, ethylhexyglycerin with no controversial side affects, natural emollients, emulsifiers, surfactants and nourishing Olive oil extracts, hydrating Hyaluronic acid and Glycerin.

So! you ask, what does this all have to do for me?

Well, BIOSKINCAREâ„¢ is a natural cream that triggers the replacement of new skin cells, renews damaged areas and promotes a healthy moisturised balanced skin. The ingredients have been specially calculated to restore a glowing and radiant skin, while diminishing scars (old and new), reducing the appearance of stretch marks in all ages and skin types, improves acne conditions and acne scar tissue. Melasma, dark pigmentation, burns and skin blemishes are lightened and reduced to almost appear invisible. It is also excellent for the treatment of keloids, keratosis pilaris, psoriasis, warts and relieves razor bumps and shaving burns. By simply applying the cream twice daily on the skin you will start the process of replacing damaged skin cells and promote the regeneration of healthy collagen and elastin deep within you skin. The cream is so rich in nutrients that it is also a moisturizing treatment that will reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck and you will notice a beautiful even skin tone, radiant and unbelievably healthy looking. It is also recommended for use before and after skin resurfacing procedures such as chemical peel and dermabrasions or laser surgery.

So, my answer is! Treat yourself and most importantly your skin to a luxurious new product that brings you the best of nature's wisdom and technology to renew and rejuvenate your appearance and your confidence. Whatever your skin con needs may be, start using BIOSKINCARE â„¢ now and give your skin the best of nature and all it deserves. Continue the treatment for as long as you desire and until your expected results are achieved, remember that all skin conditions and types are different and results will vary accordingly. This incredible product is available on line and they offer fantastic discounts and excellent packages
TRY BIOSKINCAREâ„¢ will get your skin beautiful and healthy again, naturally! Let nature's pearls of wisdom enhance you life's splendours.

Tomato - Very Useful For Skin Care

It is an important vegetable which has many health benefits due to the presence of anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants give tomato the radiant red color. The calorie content in tomato is very less making it a favorite among many people. It also contains fiber, vitamin C, E, K, B1, B6, B3, B2, iron, manganese, potassium as well as carotenes and many more to help you in every manner.

Tomato Skin Care Recipes

Tomatoes are of great help for your skin. If you happen to go in the sun and in that span of time you get tanned, there is an easy solution. Prepare cucumber and tomato juice mixture to be applied on the affected areas of your skin. Keep it for 10 minutes; later wash it off with clean water. You will notice the difference.

Anyone can have skin rashes and the main reason for these rashes is silicon deficiency. This problem is overcome by having good amounts of sprouts, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits.

Make a mixture of honey and tomato juice to be applied on your face and neck. Wash it off after 15 minutes and within minutes you would see a glowing face in front of the mirror.

Another recipe for glowing skin is the mixture of 2 tsp tomato juice and 4 tsp curd. Apply it well on your skin and wash it in 15 minutes to see the difference.

This recipe is for all those people who have oily skins, open pores and blackheads. Tomato has a acidic trait which also contains potassium and vitamin C which helps in cleansing the face. Rub a sliced piece of tomato on your skin and leave it for fifteen minutes. This would help the pores. Later wash it off with water.

For a good complexion spread the pulp of tomato on your face daily. Keep it for 1 hour and then wash it off with warm water. If done regularly the results will be seen.

The tomato lotion helps in shrinking the enlarged pores and this can be made by using tomato juice mixed with 2 or 3 drops of lime juice. Apply this solution on your face and then wash it off for 15 minutes.

A great recipe to remove sunburn can be made by adding 2 tsp tomato juice in 4 tbsp of buttermilk. Apply it all over your skin. Wash it off after keeping it for 1/2 hour.

You can easily make a homemade cleanser by using tomato and milk. Use tomato juice by straining the pulp and mix it with equal parts of milk. Store this in a bottle which can be refrigerated to be used everyday. Apply this on your face and neck by using your fingertips. Keep it for 10 minutes and later wash it with cold water.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Top 5 Risks of Body Piercing

Body piercing may sound like a new-age art but the truth is that we have been practicing it for centuries. Have you ever realised that even your earring hole is a form of body piercing? It is the most common form of body piercing practised. In India, women routinely pierce their nostrils too. Instances of body piercing have been found in the Bible as well as in Egyptian Mummies.
Body piercing is the piercing of a body part in order to wear jewellery in the opening created. Does that sound crazy? For millions of teenagers and even older people, it is the biggest fashion accessory. People may undergo piercing for a number of reasons. While the most popular reason is aesthetics, sometimes people may pierce for religious, cultural, or sexual reasons. Unusual piercing locations include eyebrows, tongue, lips, nipples, neck, and genital regions. While these may appeal to youngsters, the reception from parents is less than approving. If you are planning to go for it, ensure that you are aware of the risks and possible complications.

A piercing is nothing but a small wound. Go to a registered body piercer so that the procedure you opt for is aseptic, that is, free from bacterial contamination. Many states in the US have government recognized registered practitioners. Follow the directions for after-care meticulously. Very soon, you will find the punctured tissue growing back and becoming part of the closed system. An eyebrow piercing will take about four to six weeks to heal while a neck piercing can take up to twelve months. Piercing your ear lobes means a healing period of 6 to 8 weeks.
Infections or irritation can occur only if the area opens due to some reason. For example, if you catch a nose ring on a coat hook, there can be problems galore.

Quite a few body piercing enthusiasts may be allergic to piercing. A study on body art by Dr. Anne Laumann of North-western University found that women may be more allergic to body piercing. One in four women may display an allergic reaction to metal jewellery. The quality of the metal is of great importance. With a 14-karat gold stud, there is a greater chance of infection due to the amount of nickel in it. The risks may be minimised with pure 24-karat gold. Swollen and itchy, red skin are the primary signs of an allergy. Your doctor will suggest a topical steroid cream for it.

A common concern with people is how to prevent the opening from closing in case they do not wish to wear a ring in it regularly. For example, if you are pregnant, it is advisable not to wear a belly ring. However, you may wish to preserve the hole, it is definitely possible to do so. An inert, flexible insert made of Tygon is used for the purpose. Tygon is flexible plastic tubing that looks like a fishing line. Another option is PTFE or Teflon. A professional piercing artist or a dermatologist can do it for you.

Unusual Piercings

Oral piercing
If done improperly, there is every chance of your teeth chipping or breaking due to lip and tongue rings. Ask for studs in the lip to be placed in a neutral space along the lower gum line. This will prevent damage around the mouth area. Tongue piercing needs to be angled such that they do not catch in the palate on the roof of your mouth or the sublingual web along the bottom. Acrylic rather than metal jewellery is considered safest for the mouth region. This is because metal can easily chip teeth and cause injuries.
According to the Association of Professional Piercers, when properly performed, an oral piercing procedure will last only for a few seconds and involve no bloodshed or swelling. People with oral piercings are advised not to share plates and other eating utensils. Though the mouth is exposed to a variety of germs, the saliva has several antimicrobial factors that can easily defend you against these pathogens. However, if you go to an unsafe clinic or you default on your aftercare, there can be severe complications. Pain and bleeding, infections, dental and heart problems, injury due to swallowing the jewellery, drooling, and bad breath are some of the risks. The American Dental Association is against oral piercing and deems it a public health hazard. Some gruesome photographs only intensify the debate.

Navel Piercing
Studies have found that navel piercing is the most susceptible to infections. Surprisingly, even nipple and genital piercings are found to be safer. The irritation from clothing may pose a medical problem. Shirt materials, belts, waistbands, and buttons can create friction with the jewellery during movement. This is particularly aggravated during physical exertion. Small breaks occur in the skin, leading to infection. Another disadvantage with navel piercing is that moisture can easily collect in the area, which provides a hotbed for bacteria and fungus.
For more beauty tips, please visit:

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin and Tighten Sagging Face Muscles

Got a double chin? Sagging cheeks? Here are unique double chin exercises and exercises for face muscles. C. A. Sampson, an athlete and the author of Strength, discovered that the pressure of bands or straps tightly fastened around the arms during exercise speedily increased the size of the muscles. Experimenting, in my efforts to discover the reason why, I found that this pressure during the alternate contraction and relaxations of the muscles, produced a determination of the blood to that point and therefore a distention of the vessels. Consequently, an enlargement of the structure occurs, just as a sponge will enlarge when its cells are filled with water. Acting upon this idea I substituted the pressure of the palms of the hands for Sampson's bands, and found that in this way the results were the same. Exercise for Sagging Face Muscles The muscles of the cheeks could be speedily enlarged by the following simple exercise, which I practice while lying on my back: Draw up both corners of the mouth towards the eyes, or in the position of an exaggerated smile. This will bunch up those supporting muscles on the upper part of the cheekbones immediately below the corners of the eyes. Now drop the chin to its utmost extent. This will place a further tension upon the cheek supporting muscles. In this position, that is, keeping them bunched up, alternately open and close the jaws, at the same time steadily massage, or rub with the palms of the hands. This will infallibly enlarge them. The logical reason behind this statement is that the overlying skin and the well-supported tissue will give the cheeks the rounded appearance of earlier years. How to Get Rid of a Double Chin: The Double Chin Exercise The muscles of the chin may be classed as involuntary and can only be developed by massage. But they usually respond more quickly to that process than the muscles that surround the eye. Rest the chin upon the palms of your hands, press firmly and rub the underlying muscles vigorously. This is the same method for the muscles surrounding the eye, but requiring more pressure. The position of the hands should be continually shifted. If continuous pressure is maintained upon any part without relaxation, development will be slow. Change positions, as I have suggested. If your chin was ever full and round in your younger years, that condition will be regained by persistent practice. There will also be an increase in color of the cheeks and a generally improved and more youthful appearance. When I was 50, my cheeks and chin were sunken but now, at 72, they are full and rounded. This is the result of the persistent practice of the exercise I have described. It is proven not to cause lines on the face and will develop the supporting muscles of your cheeks.

Vertical Lip Lines; Should You be Concerned?

If vertical lines are present on your top or bottom lip, you need to know why you have them. Is this something to be concerned about? Yes, most definitely!

Typical lip balms and glosses, moisturizing sticks whether colored or clear, and lotions, creams and butters, contain waxes, wax derivatives, petroleum or other barrier ingredients that helps seal moisture into, but also to an extent out of the lip surface. This is not a perfect seal of course, but it does slow moisture loss, and changes the lips feel on the surface. After the nutritive portion of the product is fully absorbed, this “seal” leaves a soft smooth waxy coating on the lip surface. But this is not adding any additional moisture or nutrients to the lips at this point, and can actually prevent moisture from effectively penetrating the deeper lip tissues. That’s what a moisturizer is formulated to do. Seal in the water within the tissues so it does not evaporate as quickly. However after moisture does evaporate, you cannot judge dryness by surface touch, because of the deceptive feel of the wax coating.

Long-term use of these types of products can be a contributor to chronic lip dehydration and poor health, because you are unable to “tell” by feel that lips are actually dehydrated, and in urgent need of moisture. Unhealthy lips are unable to regulate their own moisture balance correctly, and lose moisture rapidly from the deeper layers. Applying additional balm or coating products to the surface will exacerbate this cycle, because the barrier from previous layers, slows the absorption of moisture from repeated product coats, leaving lips in a state of continual dehydration.

This prolonged hydration deprivation, as I call it, causes the tissues beneath your lips to shrink. This shrinking causes a “drawstring effect” because it pulls the tissue to which it is attached, namely the tissues beneath your lips, downward. This pulling and “drawstring effect” is responsible for the lines on the lip surface. These vertical lines always precede the dreaded and feared lines and wrinkles above and around the lips. In fact in several instances, it's possible to trace one of these vertical lip lines right up and over the vermillion border (upper lip line) or down and over the bottom lip line. If these vertical lip lines are not immediately addressed, they will increase in quantity as well as in depth, and the manifestation of lines and wrinkles above, and possibly around the lips, will inevitably appear.

To stop this shrinking and restore the tissue to a healthy state, it must be intensely hydrated and nourished for a dedicated period of time. The Lips2Kiss ( anti-aging lip technology does not contain waxes or impermeable barrier ingredients. It does contain clinically tested ingredients, and 9 cutting edge technologies enabling it to perform 22 separate functions, among which addresses and eliminates vertical lip lines.

The Shocking Truth About How To Have A Better Complexion!

How do you treat your skin, do you use "get by" products or do you simply look for the best skin care product. Good skin care begins with the basics and ends with you doing what you know to do systematically. Attention To Details Attend to it or lose it! That's pretty much the deal with your visual aspect. If you go wrong and don't groom yourself decently and pay attention of your skin, teeth and hair, you'll watch them severely degrade as the years go by. On that point there are no two ways about it. Sound genetics can just go so far. Straightaway, having stated that, I understand that many souls are out searching for the best skin care product acknowledged by man. Well, good for you. There's absolutely nothing amiss with this route of purpose. We habitually see famous people go to tremendous lengths for particular cosmetics. It's entirely natural that casual people want to as well. However, here is the problem; there's no single idealistic skin care solution. In reality we're all dissimilar, and our faces call for different products and treatments. Skin Type Once you have established your particular skin type, it'll be a great deal easier to find the best skin care product that work outstanding for you. Consider my wife for example. She goes wild over a high price department store brand. Now, I'm not pitching this exfoliating moisturizer to you by any means. I'm just remarking that my wife finds it ideal. She also favors a specific eye cream from some weird named producer. As you can interpret, it's not forever about sticking with one particular brand. The respective products that your complexion calls for could all be from dissimilar makers. As I put forward earlier, the key is finding out your skin type and taking it from there. Best Skin Care Strategy What's the best skin care strategy? As a cosmopolitan rule, gently wash your face no more than twice a day with a mild soap or cleanser After you have finished washing, gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Always steer clear of exfoliants or scrubs, which can irritate your pimples Also avoid products that contain alcohol because they can dry out and irritate your skin. Next find out your skin type because this will pay dividends on what you do next. Just What The Doctor Ordered So I ascertained that my skin condition is mostly dry. The skin doctor told me it was dry to normal or vice versa. In brief, I ought only cleanse once a day with a gentle, mild cleansing product. Ever since I have known this, I've been using a certain product with great results. I'd even call it one of the best skin care products I've came across thus far. Secondly she suggested a men's moisturizer, nothing frilly but still effectual. It works great and keeps my complexion moiste and hydrated. Have you gotten the picture? Knowing that your face is the result to finding the best skin care product. We're all different from one another and surely can't expect to agree on what works best for our individual skin condition.

Anti-vitiligo treatment of vitiligo herb

 If you or any one you know is suffering from the skin condition Vitiligo then you have come to just the right place. The disease is characterised by the appearance of depigmented patches (milky white) onthe skin, common in sun exposed areas like hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Other common areas include armpits, groin, around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel and genitals. Don't worry now you have come to the right place for complete vitiligo treatment with Anti vitiligo Oil â„¢ herbal oil is our 100% Guaranteed and Clinically Proven Permanent Cure for Vitiligo. It consists of a formulation consisting of purely natural ingredients blended together in a specific proportion to fight and cure Vitiligo permanently. Our over 1,000 patients have taken advantage of this new herbal technique to gain excellent results, With a success rate of 80%.Treatment with Anti vitiligo Oil â„¢ is very rapid and obvious results can be noticed within six weeks of its use. In almost all cases, facial Vitiligo is fully cured within three months of use. A slightly longer period is required for other body regions and treatment can last up to four months. There are absolutely completely natural and herbal remedies having no side effects at all. We are so confidant about the effectiveness of Anti vitiligo Oilâ„¢ that in the rare case you remain unsatisfied with the improvement in your skin condition.

Do Wrinkle Creams Really Work?

"Both women and men alike want to know do anti-wrinkle products and wrinkle creams really work? It is a good question, especially if you look at the price tags associated with most anti-aging products. They do not come cheaply. If they do, you must be thinking that œyou get what you pay for, and they probably do not make one bit of difference. For the most part, that is actually true.

Many anti-wrinkle products do not work, but make claims that they do. If you decide that you want to try a wrinkle cream, it is important to do your research before you decide which one to try. There are so many anti-aging products on the market that it can sometimes be difficult to choose. You will want to make sure you choose a wrinkle cream that is from a reputable company and that has favorable consumer reviews such as DDF Wrinkle Relax.
How Do Wrinkle Creams Help Aging Skin?

There are several specific ingredients which have been proven in clinical tests to visibly reduce wrinkle depth. These ingredients work to plump the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and creating a smoother and more youthful texture.

Products such as DDF Wrinkle Relax do need time to work and they must be used according to the package. Most products can take up to four weeks to work, and if you discontinue use, you will no longer experience the benefits associated with using the product. Some wrinkle creams include collagen as part of its key ingredients, but wrinkle creams that are most beneficial will actually contain ingredients which will stimulate the skins ability to produce its own collagen and will increase its production. DDF Wrinkle Relax is a good example of this, as it contains a unique combination of amino acids, which increase collagen and elastin production in the skin.

The Benefits of Anti-Aging Products

No one wants to get old. It is, however, a fact of life. No one has figured out the secret to stop aging from occurring, and no one has found that ever elusive fountain of youth.'

In light of these facts, we have to do what we can to keep our skin looking and feeling young. This can only be achieved by taking care of your skin with a daily routine. Of course, the first thing you need to do if you are worried about pre-mature aging is to begin using sunscreen. This alone can help to prevent wrinkles.

Wrinkle creams do have their benefits, too. They can help your skin look younger by reducing the appearance of wrinkles that you already have. Wrinkle creams can make your skin appear tighter and plumper so that even up close, wrinkles are more difficult to detect. Just because you have to get old does not mean you have to look old. Just be sure to spend your money on the right wrinkle cream, however, because it is very disappointing to purchase a product that gives no results."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Galvanic Spa Advice For Affordable Chemical Free Pretreatment Gels

Pre-Treatment Gels A Galvanic Spa Alternative

"So you don't have the time to go for a full-fledged spa?"
"All ladies love to be pampered, Right?"

Ladies, have you purchased the awesome galvanic spa device? I got one last February. I am looking pretty good at 60, actually, my face looks like a had a major face lift!
I love my spa however, I once had a problem, the gels were too pricey!

Maybe you are like me, bought the NuSkin spa to find you couldn't afford to use it. "Don't despair".
I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in the USA, it is looking like we are going to have to be very frugal for a long time.

You can give yourself a galvanic facial in the privacy of your own home, with the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System in less than 10 minutes. Whoa, that's if you can fork out $60.00 %2B per month, for the pre-treatment gels, which actually contain parabens!

"Do you enjoy the Napca spray with "alcohol?" NuSkin instruction, is to spray the face with Napca, when the gels drys out, this is something that personalty I did not like, the feeling of alcohol spray on my face wasn't at all pleasant.
"Have you read label for the ingredients in your NuSkin products?"

Do yourself a favor, go to the Skin Deep Data Base on-line, then enter the labeled NuSkin ingredients. Don't take my word for it. Skin Care Data Base Dot Com there you can find if the ingredients in your skin care products are harmful. You will be surprised at what you learn.
Galvanic Works.

For more than 50 years, spa and salon professionals have used gentle galvanic currents to refresh and energize the skin. Galvanic therapy has always been widely used to rejuvenate skin cells.

The spa features a proprietary, patented instrument with three interchangeable conductors:

Face Conductor - offers all of the benefits of the original fixed face conductor, while adding the flexibility if being removed for other conductor use with the other three treatment applications. The spot treatment, body, and hair conductors work depending on area being treated. All treatments have reported positive results.

Pre-Treatment and Treatment Cycle

During the Pre-Treatment cycle the Galvanic instrument and the Pre-Treatment Gel are negatively charged, these negative charges repel each other, driving the ingredients into the skin.

The Pre-Treatment Gel binds to impurities deep in the skin the gels key ingredients are marigold, sea kelp and vanilla extracts to sooth and tone the skin, Work the gel into the skin by rubbing it using small circular motions.

The purpose of the pre-treatment is to purify and condition the skin in preparation for the therapy. These negative charges repel each other driving the Pre-Treat Gel into the skin.

The positively charged instrument attracts the remaining negatively charged impurities from the Pre-Treat Cycle, drawing them out of the skin.
Your skin will look visibly younger and feel vibrant and revitalized.
Pre-Treat Gel helps remove impurities so your pores can breathe and prepares your skin for Treatment Gel. The Nu Skin Pre-Treatment Gels contain TEA Cocoyl Glutamate which purifies skin and allows pores to breathe.
Pre-Treatment gels also contains Magnesium promoting cellular energy as well as Arginine facilitates recovery from stress.
Identify your skin type and treat your face with tender, loving care accordingly. Cleansing is the most important part of any skin care routine. That is why I love the Galvanic Spa.With the organs functioning well, your skin will be glowing and showing.

A Frugal Alternative Chemical Free Pre-Treatment Gel

Miracle II soap and gel are both affordable alternative to the costly pre-treatment gels sold for the Spa, both are negatively charged containing no parabens or other chemicals.

Miracle II is taking the alternative health industry by storm.

Miracle II has a twofold purpose, to ALKALIZE AND OXYGENATE the body INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY. This is exactly why the soap and gel work so effectively with the gel, the toxins are eliminated and the skin is oxygenated.
Miracle II soap helps you to EXTRACT and ELIMINATE TOXINS efficiently through your skin and hair.

The neutralizer gels may be mixed with lavender, lemon, sage, or any of essential oils which promote healthy beautiful skin.

Miracle II Soap is the only body cleanser that will clean all the sweaty, waxy residue from the pores of the face, body and scalp.
Thanks to NuSkin for the Galvanic Spa which they have patented.

Don't give up on the Galvanic Spa. I use the the Galvanic several times a week, with the Miracle II products my spa works fantastic My face has actually whitened and tightened. I see no age spots, my jowls have also lifted, Perhaps the lemon essential oil helped with the whitening process, as I read that is one of the benefits of lemon essential oil.

I use the galvanic spa with sometimes only Miracle soap sprayed lightly from a spray bottle. At times I use the neutralizer gel with sometimes lemon, and lavender. If it starts drying out I just rub more on. The Miracle II products are so affordable I don't have to be

Once I mixed a few drops of peppermint in the gel, wow was that an experience, quite stimulating to say the least. Miracle II products contains no chemicals and you will find them very affordable. An 8 ounce bottle of gel is only $9.16 each. One bottle will give you over thirty treatments.

You will find The soap is good for the spa as well as the neutralizer gel.....Add your favorite essential oils with some good virgin olive oil or Miracle II moisturizing lotion, containing olive, coconut and almond oil, on spa 2 and you will have a great spa experience for pennies.

Ameliox - Botox-Like Alternative

Wrinkles are the consequence of the weakening of the connective tissue. Weakening happens because of stiffening and consequent degradation of the structural components, the collagen fibres. A chemical reaction between free sugars and collagen, called glycation, is the cause for stiffening. Glycation is nowadays considered as one of the main reasons why living organisms are subjected to aging.

The active substances in Ameliox, Carnosine and Silymarin have been shown to effectively inhibit glycation. Carnosine reacts very quickly with free sugars and prevents them to attack collagen fibres. Silymarin, a polyphenolic substance isolated from milk thistle, is a highly effective antioxidant. Because oxidation is an essential reaction step in the glycation process, Silymarin is also an inhibitor of glycation.

Ameliox - cosmetic anti-aging ingredient to stop stiffening of collagen fibres

Ameliox is a powerful combination of two actives to stop stiffening of collagen fibres, a major reason for formation of wrinkles and lines. Ameliox contains Carnosine and the milk thistle compound silymarin (INCI: Silybum Marianum Fruit Extract). Carnosine, a naturally-occurring dipeptide in the human body, has anti-aging properties by inhibition of the detrimental glycation reaction. The antioxidant Silymarin is another powerful glycation inhibitor.
Ameliox is proven to decrease wrinkle depth

Mibelle AG Biochemistry tested an emulsion with 2% Ameliox in a clinical study with 20 women. The test product was applied twice daily for four weeks on the inner side of the forearm and on the forehead and the area with crow's feet. Ameliox improved significantly hydration, firmness and smoothness of the forearm skin (data not shown) and clearly reduced wrinkle depth on the forehead and around the eyes (crow's feet).

Health and Beauty Should Be Your Concern!

Have you noticed that wearing cosmetics has become more popular today than ever before? Women feel compelled to wear foundation and makeup. They are beginning to think it's normal "not to look" the way they really look. Why is this so? Why do women feel more than ever that their appearance is somehow compromised without makeup? Could it be because of the "ideal look" that mass media has publicized? Undoubtedly, yes. But, it also involves something much more fundamental. Something that has insidiously crept into our lives.

What has changed?

In bygone years, women would simply "tweak" their face with just a little bit of mascara and lipstick. Why was this? Life in general was different. Food was more natural. Eating out was done only on rare occasions. Families ate home cooked meals. Vegetables and fruits were picked from the garden. Meat was not pumped full of hormones. Life was less stressful. All of this promoted health and wellness. Do you remember when obesity was a rarity? Most women generally felt good about their appearance and figures. All that has changed today. Covering up acne, rosacea, large pores, oily skin, is the norm. We have basically entered into a, "I wouldn't be seen by anyone without wearing my makeup", era.

How women feel?

Makeup has become like a mask behind which to hide. Afraid that if they let their guard down, people will think less of them. Leslie Blodgett, a 28 year old real estate agent, said how different she feels when wearing makeup. "When I wake up, I would never answer a knock on the door without putting on my makeup first," she said in a recent interview. "I am a slave to my mirror, I glance in it countless times during the day to make sure that my face looks just so!" Granted, all of us are not satisfied with certain structural features of our complexion, but these basic features are not what women are trying to cover up. Various skin problems seem to be the most troublesome to the majority of women.

How to feel better about yourself?

Instead of living behind a bare minerals mask and not really feeling very good about yourself, why not get down to the root of the problem? Very few skin care problems are really non-fixable. So what needs to be done? First of all recognize the problem, and the actual cause of the problem. This of course may not be so easy. Oftentimes skin issues are actually dietary issues that show up in the complexion. Don't be fooled by the quick solutions and hype that are offered by advertisers. If a problem has been with you for years, chances are there is no pill or cream, quick fix. Find out by searching the web what are the true causes for these problems. Or better yet, visit a reputable health food store, and find out what foods or supplements may help your condition. Don't give up easily because your skin is the body's way of showing you that there is something wrong inside.

Do I take care of my skin properly?

Oftentimes skin problems are the result of poor habits. Habits are harder to break than to recognize. If we don't recognize them ourselves, our last resort is to have someone point it out to us. And that is what we are here for, to possibly help. So what is the most common bad skin care habit? Cleaning the skin! Yes, by far, the most damaging practice is improper washing of the face. This is oftentimes the root cause of blemishes, clogged pores, dermatitis and redness. The cure for these problems are simple. Recognizing that your favorite cleanser is causing the problem is the difficult part. Why? False claims by advertisers! Beauty and bar-soaps have become the cleansing method of choice for most women. But just because something is popular doesn't make it the best choice. If you look at the residue left over in the sink after you wash your face, you will recognize what I am talking about. This residue is responsible for the bulk of skin care problems.

Is my cleanser mild enough?

The next most common problem is the harshness of cleansers. They should be so mild that after rinsing it off, your face should not feel the need for a moisturizer. Now, I'm not saying you don't need one. But, you should not have a tight, itchy feel. If you do, then you need to find a cleanser that is milder. Most personal care products contain Sodium laureth sulfate, or sodium lauryl ether sulfate. This is a surfactant that is known to cause irritation after extended use. If you find that your personal care products contain this surfactant, look for another product. Read ingredient labels carefully to make sure that is free of this chemical. Your skin will be better off in the long run without it. You may even find some of the skin problems you have resolving soon. You may even find yourself hiding behind less makeup, and feeling better about yourself than you ever did before. That's the benefit of being concerned about both health and beauty.

How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

It six lock in the morning and you have to get ready for work. One look in the mirror makes you want to cringe. Your eyes look like you’ve just gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson. Yes, you have puffy eyes. The question is what do you do about it? Here are a few suggestions to help you deal with this early morning horror.

1. Know the causes. Investigate why your eyes are puffy in the first place. There are several reasons why your eye area could be retaining fluid. Allergies are a common cause of puffy eyes. Dust or other irritants could cause flare-ups that swell the eyes. Stress can also cause problems with your eyes. Physical manifestations are common among individuals experiencing high levels of stress in their lives. Crying is a cause of puffy eye syndrome, too. Fluid is also retained when the intake of sodium (salt) is higher than normal.

2. Try caffeine. After your morning tea, save those tea bags. Caffeine is a natural diuretic, meaning that it pulls fluid out of your system. Caffeinated tea bags can be used to help alleviate the puffy eye syndrome. First, cool down the tea bags by placing them in a cup of cold water. Warm tea bags will increase the flow of blood to the area which may increase the swelling, instead of decreasing it. Once the bags are sufficiently cooled, place them over each closed eye. Relax for about five to ten minutes. Remove the tea bags and examine your eyes. The puffiness should diminish. If the result is not to your liking, re-cool the tea bags and apply to your eyes again.

3. Cool as a cucumber. Cucumbers are not just for salads anymore. They make good cold compresses for the eyes. Take a chilled cucumber from the fridge and slice it into thin circles. If the slices are too thick they will not lay properly over the eyes. Let the cool slices rest on your eyes for about five minutes. Re-apply new slices as needed.

4. Drink more water. If puffy eye syndrome is more than an occasional occurrence, maybe your body is trying to tell you something. The body retains water when there is precious little available in your system. Increasing your water intake will give the body ample fluid for cellular function and it will not need to store extra water. Drinking lots of water will keep the incidence of puffy eyes to a minimum.

Puffy morning eyes are annoying, but they can be treated. To avoid them in the long run, lower your salt intake, drink plenty of water, and use allergy eye drops if irritants are the cause of eye puffiness.

Visit for a growing library of tips to remove those annoying messes in your life.

Compare Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream and Prepare to be Surprised

Let me tell you a quick story. I recently won a door prize at an event that included a sample pack of beauty creams from a company that has a reputation for high quality products. I was very anxious to compare anti wrinkle eye cream from this company to other products I had tried. I was very careful to apply the cream according to instructions: gently dabbing the cream around my eyes with my pinkie finger. A few surprisingly uncomfortable moments later I had to ask myself, "is the best anti wrinkle eye cream supposed to be burning like this?" Needless to say, I was afraid to use it again, so I don't know if I would have seen results.

What I learned from this experience is that just because a cosmetic company has a high profile name it doesn't necessarily mean their products are high quality and effective. You just can't take their word for it. Especially when it comes using products in the sensitive, delicate area around your eyes. I believe that if you want to find a product that will treat, repair and protect the skin in that fragile area then you should compare anti wrinkle eye cream...and prepare to be surprised. Not all products are created equally.

Now I'm not saying that you should go out and buy a whole slew of different brands and compare them by trying them one at a time. (I already learned from that mistake!) When you compare anti wrinkle cream all you have to do is read the labels to see what kind of ingredients these companies are putting into their products. If the product contains high concentrations of natural, active ingredients, then you'll know that you are on the right track.

Natural emollients and oils, enzymes, vitamins and proteins, can soften and protect the skin around your eyes, while reducing bags, circles, fine lines and wrinkles. Now I know that seems like a tall order for ANY eye cream product, but these ingredients go to work within your skin cells to boost the cell's own ability to repair itself. This is the healthiest, most effective and long-lasting way to get real results.

When you compare anti wrinkle eye cream don't be surprised when you find, like I did, that a vast majority of these skin care products, contain high concentrations of synthetic chemicals, like acrymalide, alcohols, dioxane, petroleum by-products, parabens and fragrance. These synthetic ingredients combine to make a product that is rich and creamy to the touch, smells good and lasts a long time on your shelf. But this has nothing to do improving the skin around your eyes. Any "improvement" you might see is only a surface, filler effect. It will wash off as soon as you wash your face.

These artificial ingredients also dry out your skin, clog your pores, and, with long-term use, can expose you to a wide range of adverse health effects ranging from skin irritation to cancer.

The best anti wrinkle eye cream avoids using any of these potentially harmful ingredients. I like knowing that the ingredients I choose to use on my face are so safe and natural I could eat them. And with your skin's natural absorption you are essentially "eating" whatever you choose to rub on it.

Believe me, once you use this information to compare anti wrinkle cream you will be surprised how quickly you will become an expert at spotting the best product for your money. Then it won't be long before you'll be smiling at your truly improved appearance in the mirror.

Protect your skin and ease the discomfort of sensitive skin

Looking after sensitive skin is governed by a few basic rules but before we delve into the rules for sensitive skin care, it important to understand what a sensitive skin is. Well sensitive skin is one which is unable to tolerate any unfavorable conditions like the environment for example, and which easily gets irritated on contact with foreign materials including skin care products. Special sensitive skin care products have been designed that will not irritate the skin and can help where the skin is already experiencing problems.

The degree of sensitivity can however vary from person to person and depending on that, the type of skin care procedures may vary too. However, it is known that in most instances, the skin will not react well too any type of detergent, including soap, or other products with chemicals.

The damage may be happening over a period of time without the affected person actually knowing as it is a matter of their tolerance level that will actually show up the problem. Obviously the tolerance level for those individuals with sensitive skin is much lower which means that skin damage might be more rapid and noticeable.

Manufacturers are now more aware of what compounds can cause problems and corrective measures are taken where ingredients are replaced with compounds that do not cause problems or the amount of irritant is reduced to acceptable levels. Firstly, only use sensitive skin care products; the products that are marked for sensitive skin care only and check the instructions that are supplied with the product to see if there are specific restrictions or warnings associated with the product.

Even within the range of sensitive skin care products available, choose those that have the minimum of preservatives, colorings and other additives. Do not use toners if at all possible as most of them are alcohol based and will probably cause further irritation so are not recommended for sensitive skin.

One of the most common skin problems associated with the hands is using detergent and often for people without sensitive skin so always wear some form of protective hand wear. Another important tip for sensitive skin care is to avoid excessive exposure to sun and always apply sunscreen lotion before getting out in the sun.

It isn’t just the sun that can cause problems out of doors either as just normal atmospheric pollution; even dust particles can cause skin irritation so you will need to apply a hypoallergenic moisturizer or special skin care cream to combat this. Then when you clean your face, ensure that nothing contains any soap or alcohol (as mentioned previously) is used and any exfoliation peels or creams are applied carefully not to damage the skin further.

Never leave makeup on for extended periods and wherever possible use hypoallergenic makeup removal products that will not make the skin worse. Although it can be frustrating having sensitive skin, it is not the end of the world and with a little forethought it can be something that it is possible to live with day to day without too much inconvenience.

How Old Is Your Skin?

The skin is our body contact with the environment; it protects us from the extremes of temperature and pollutants. It is our contact with other people, what they see and often judge us by. The skin is a vital organ; it breathes and gets rid of impurities, regulates our body temperature, keeps water in and keeps infection, chemicals and other harmful materials out.

The skin is composed of two layers, the outer epidermis, overlying the dermis, each having several sub-layers. The epidermis has an uppermost layer of so-called dead cells that protect against infection and chemicals; it also contains pigment cells for sunlight protection, a material keratin that aids with the absorption of water. The dermis contains sweat glands and hair follicles.

The appearance of the skin is affected by two important factors, aging and sunlight. To protect against both a healthy epidermis or outer layer and sufficient moisture (hydration) in the skin is necessary. Remember that aging begins at birth and sunlight protection should begin soon after.

The effects of aging are:
* Decrease in number and function of cells and slowing of the glands function, causing less control of body temperature and intolerance to cold weather. There is less protection against infection and, because of the decreased pigment cells, less protection from sunlight.
* Decreased growth and thinning of hair.
* Decreased blood supply resulting in longer healing times and also causes less tolerance for cold weather.
* Loss of elasticity, especially with dry skin.
* Easier bruising and thinning of the skin.

In summary there is thin skin which is dry, parchment-like, transparent and frequently itchy. There is poor healing, damage with minimal injury causing black and blue marks, ulcers odd scarring, irregular pigmentation (brown spots), loss of elasticity, plugged follicles causing cysts, whiteheads and blackheads. Nails grow more slowly, dull in color and become more brittle.
These changes do not appear in all people and at the same rate. They are aggravated by exposure to sunlight, some illness and by lack of moisture in the skin (dehydration).

The effects of sunlight are generally the same as aging with addition of a greater risk of skin cancer. Sunburn and Suntan skin damage may lead to skin problems later in life. This damage, results from excessive exposure through outdoor occupations, recreational activities, tanning booths and sunlamps.

What Can You Do?
Protective Measures include:
* Sun protection and avoidance, it’s never too late to start. Avoid tanning booths and when in the sun use a good, high SPF sunscreen agent.
* Avoid activity in the strong sun.
* Bathe in tepid water, not hot, use a creamy soap or bath gel, afterwards use an after bath non greasy lubricant while the skin is still damp. Avoid greases, waxes, and heavy oils because skin can soak them up causing harm.
* Wear loose fitting clothing.
* Avoid pollution, chemicals and non-prescription cortisone creams.
* Definitely use a good moisturizer daily. Make certain it is one that will add nothing but water to the skin, avoid those that use items not natural to the skin. Do not use moisturizers containing collagen, placental protein, royal bee jelly or other unusual materials, they do not benefit the skin.

The author of this article invites you to place this article on your website or blog but only if you keep the information intact below.

For more information on great skin care tips and skin care products, please visit this website

Source: Swink

The Science of Beauty in the Bath - Special Bath-Time Treatments

Bath time can be the perfect time to address problems and issues the skin of your body is experiencing. Goosebumps, cellulite, dry/flaky skin, rough knees and elbows and even detoxification can be helped by adding a few ingredients to your bathing. Learn how to improve the appearance and texture of your skin - safely, effectively and, most importantly - simply.

1. Goosebumps

Goosebumps usually occur on the thighs, the buttocks and/or the upper arms. You can stimulate the circulation by scrubbing regularly with a bath mitt or loofah in the bath. It is also beneficial to scrub with sea salt once in a while, or with sugar, or with a bag filled with oatmeal or bran. The `follow-up` should be a massage thoroughly given with hand cream or body lotion.

2. Bulge-reduction

One treatment that combines friction with a weight-reducing treatment is to use a friction glove. Even if weight loss is not your concern, the glove is an excellent way of eliminating goosebumps and achieving a healthy pink glow.

Alternately, you can use a soft-bristled (natural bristles!) brush to dry brush your skin. I use a cheap one from WalMart which is made by Goody, although there are fancy/expensive ones available. Dry brush your skin, starting at the extremities (feet and hands) and using long strokes always towards your heart. Do this before a bath or shower - it is great for exfoliation, detoxification, circulation and cellulite.

3. Discolored and horny knees and elbows

Regular attention is required to these areas to eradicate the problem, but a `blitz` treatment can be commenced right now.

a. First the elbows and knees should be massaged with cleansing cream and then tissued off. These should then be worked with a pumice stone and water whilst you are in the bath and then rubbed with sea salt or an oatmeal and bran, or with sugar mixed with a little vegetable oil. You should then rinse well.

b. Following the bath, a cut lemon should be rubbed over the elbows and knees and the juice allowed to dry.

c. The areas should then be massaged well using body lotion or hand cream.

You can do this treatment once a week or once a month, but in between times you should ensure to pumice and massage with hand cream or body lotion.

4. Very Dry Skin

Skin Conditioning and Rejuvenation

* 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil

* 2 drops Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

* 1 drop Palmarosa Essential Oil

* 1 drop Geranium Essential Oil

Blend and add 3-5 drops to 1/4 cup baking soda or epsom salts. Add to warm bath with water running and soak 10-20 minutes.

Herbal Waters Bath Oil

This sensuous oil turns any bath into a pampering spa treatment full of moisturizing plant oils and skin-friendly herbal Essential Oils.

* 1 cup Almond oil

* 2 cups Avocado oil

* 2 Green Tea bags

* 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

* 8 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

* 4 drops Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil

* 2 drops Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Warm Almond and Avocado oils in a small saucepan. Remove from heat, add tea bags and let steep until cool. Remove Herbs and combine tea-infused oil with remaining ingredients in a 12-ounce glass bottle with a lid or a stopper. Close tightly and shake well to mix the oils. Store mixture in a cool, dark place for 24 hours to allow the oils to blend.

To use, add 2 ounces to your bath water and soak 10-20 minutes.

Marigold and Fennel Milk Bath

Fennel acts as a stimulant, while marigold offers healing qualities. Milk is an excellent skin softener and conditioner.

* Muslin material

* 8 T. Milk powder

* 4 Oz. Dried Fennel seeds

* 2 Oz. Dried marigold flowers

* Ribbon

Cut out a 10 inch diameter circle of muslin. In a bowl, mix together the seeds, milk powder, and marigold flowers. Place a large handful of the mixture into the center of the muslin circle. Gather up the edges to form a pouch and tie tightly with ribbon. Toss into hot bath and allow to steep about 10 minutes before entering.

Honey and Oatmeal Milk Bath

* 1 cup powdered milk

* 1 cup finely ground oats

* 1/2 cup honey powder

* 2 tsp fragrant oil of choice

Place all ingredients into a glass or stainless steel bowl, mix well. Add approx 1/2 cup to warm bath, relax and enjoy.

5. Cellulite

Cellulite Blend

These mixtures stimulate circulation.

* Eucalyptus Citriodora 2 ml

* Lemon 2 ml

* Cedarwood 2ml

* Sage 2ml

* Cypress 2 ml

* Niaouli 2ml

* in 100 ml Hazelnut oil


* 2 d. Bay oil

* 2 d. Lemon oil

* 4 d. Lavender oil in 20 ml Sesame oil


Combine ingredients and add 5-7 drops in a warm (not hot) bath. Soak for 10-15 minutes. Additionally, you can apply this blend to problem areas 2-3 times per day after bath or shower for 30 days.

6. Detoxification and Deodorization

Deodorizing Herbal Bath

All of the Herbs in this recipe contain ingredients that will deodorize your body. It is a wonderful herbal mixture to enjoy after a hot day of working in the garden.

* 1/4 cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried Thyme

* 1/4 cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried Lavender buds

* 1/4 cup fresh or 2 tablespoons dried Rosemary

* 1 muslin bath bag

* 1 quart boiling water

Add the fresh or dried Herbs to the bag and close snugly. Add the bag to the water and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Remove the infusion from the heat and cool to lukewarm. Add the infusion and bag to your bathwater, using the bag of herbs as a washcloth.

Skin-Softening and Detox Bath

Adapted from 365 Simple Pleasures, collected by Susannah Seton (Conari Press, 2001).

The bath has the added benefit of helping to remove Toxins, and being very calming and relaxing, too.


* 1 cup buttermilk

* 3 tablespoons Epsom salts

* 1/2 tablespoon Olive Oil or Canola oil

* 3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Combine ingredients and pour into the stream of warm water as your tub fills. Immerse yourself and soak for 15 minutes or so.

Source: Braun

Cause Prevention and Natural Cure

It is not unusual to notice distention of portions of the large veins in the legs as people age. This is more common to those people whose jobs require them to stand at a longer time. This quiescent, upright position produces stagnation of the blood in the legs. Hence pressure and a steady strain upon the walls of the venous system at that point results to permanent distention, or “varicose veins.” Varicose veins may be prevented and stopped if at an early stage, those people who usually stand long hours at work will change their jobs. But, during middle age when this affliction occurs, it may be quite impossible to stop or cure it with lotions or other medicinal remedy. Surgical operation can cure and relieve the pain. However, aside from being an expensive process, it might cause you your job when you can’t go to work due to healing time. Using an elastic stocking can provide relief but cannot cure. The first indication of a varicose vein is a dull, aching pain. The vein becomes larger, knotted and distended. In extreme cases a rupture of the wall sometimes follows. This is infrequent but always possible. The veins are the vessels that serve to return the blood from the capillaries of the different parts of the body to the heart. The veins are found in nearly every tissue of the body. They are larger and altogether more numerous than the arteries. Hence, the entire capacity of the venous system is much greater than the arterial. The arteries, which are denser in structure than the veins, are also stronger and more elastic. They also preserve their cylindrical form when empty. The veins do not have this property, and collapse when not filled with blood. They have thinner walls than the arteries and are not so well supplied with muscular fiber. Hence they are far more liable to distention at any part where stagnation is liable to occur. All of the larger veins are provided with valves. These valves serve to prevent the flowing back of the blood. They are attached by their convex edges to the walls of the veins. Their concave margins are free and directed in the course of the venous current. They lie in close apposition with the wall of the vein as long as the current of blood takes its natural course. If, however, any stagnation or regurgitation occurs, the valves at that place become distorted, their opposed edges are brought into contract. The current then is intercepted, and a distention of the wall of the vein ensues, which distention we know as that very painful affliction, a varicose vein. As the primal cause of the trouble is stagnation of the blood at that point, acceleration of the circulation there would relieve that congestion; and the only way this can be possible is by friction. The most effective method for accomplishing this is with the dry palm of the hand, and the most convenient time– in bed and in the early morning. The conditions are then favorable, as the body is relaxed and will readily respond to intelligently directed efforts towards its rejuvenation or improvement. The trouble will most probably appear upon the inside of the, leg below the knee, running along the calf of the leg, but it may extend sev¬eral inches above the knee and along the inside of the thigh. With increased years, the conges¬tion of the superficial veins will extend lower down, immediately above and around the ankle. This may become discolored and assume a deep bluish hue because of the stagnant blood. Relief is obtained by friction, with the palm of the hand, daily and persistently. This exercise will relieve the congestion and will strengthen the minute muscles that support the venous walls. And if persisted in systematically and methodically, will finally restore the distorted venous valves to their proper position and the trouble will disappear. It is a simple, easy and effective remedy for a very annoying affliction. I speak from personal experience. The most convenient position is lying on your side. Start with twenty strokes of the hand up and down, following the course of the vein. Increase to one hundred strokes as the skin becomes hardened and accustomed to the friction. In an ordinary stage, this exercise can guarantee remarkable results.

Quick Herbal Tips for Beautiful and Glowing Skin

Skin Cleanser: Found in your own kitchen is a simple, chemical free cleanser good unboiled milk. All you need to do is dip a piece of cotton wool in milk and wipe your face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down into your pores. Another fine cleanser is almond oil, especially effective in protecting the delicate skin under the eyes. Skin Moisturizer: For normal skin care, you can take 1 cup of yogurt, 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice and mix it into a paste. Apply it on your face as a mask and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue watch your complexion glow. For dry skin, you could use a mixture of cooked oatmeal and honey; it will not only help moisturize the skin but also acts as a good cleansing agent. Skin Nourishment and Bleach: For nourishing your face try a protein mask. You can prepare this mask by first soaking 1 tablespoon urad dal and 4 almonds in water overnight and then grinding them into a paste. You can then apply this protein mask to your face and wash it off after half an hour. This exceptional protein mask will not only nourish the skin but also bleach it. Wrinkle Prevention and Softer Skin: To prevent wrinkles and soften your skin, you could try pure castor oil; it is known to slow down the aging process of the skin. Skin Conditioner: Another simple and excellent skin conditioner that can be made out of 1 tbsp. honey blended with 2 tbsp. cream (of milk). Leave it on for a few minutes and wash it off. It works like magic. Skin Blemishes: For skin blemishes, you can try rubbing a raw potato on your face. Sun-Protection Lotion: It's summer time. Time to cool off. So let's wind up with a good home-made sun-protection lotion. Take cucumber juice and equal amounts of glycerine and rose water and make a concoction. This should be refrigerated. Try it, it's really cool. For more homemade beauty tips, please visit:

Anti-Aging Research Reveals Skin Can Be Rejuvenated

I recently went to one of those home parties where they sell anti-aging skin care products. I can't believe how many anti aging wrinkle cream products there are in just one line that will help remove all the wrinkles on a face. I have to admit, I was very thrilled with my purchase. I only spent $200.00 and I had the full line of anti aging Platinum products. I was amazed by these anti-aging products! I had one to clean my face, one to tone, then there was a better than botox product for crows feet and the worry line in the middle of my forehead. Then, another wrinkle relief product for my laugh lines, and the special under eye cream. The final step, depending on the time of day, was a cream for daytime use, and another for night. I was sure that my 44 year old face was going back to 25 by the end of the week. And it worked! My skin was soon much smoother than usual, so I continued using all those anti aging products for another two weeks. And, while my wrinkles didn't exactly disappear, I think I did look a tad younger. What's even more surprising is that, even though my products were supposed to last a month, I'm still using the same purchase six months later. Why? Well, it just takes too long to put all of that stuff on! So, I decided to switch off between a few of them and not put everything on every night. Then I decided to do a little research on anti aging products. That's when I discovered some amazing facts about the anti aging skin creams on the market today, and suddenly I wanted my money back! But it wasn't the money, really, I wanted my youthful appearance back, that's why I bought all that stuff in the first place! You see, on the outside, we "look old" because of wrinkles, lines, skin blotchiness, age-spots, loss of skin radiance, sagging skin, "feather" lips, under-eye puffiness, crow's feet and thinning lips. All that crap that sneaks up on us as we age. However, on the inside (the biological level,) skin-aging is caused by: free-radical damage, changes in fat content of skin, changes in skin collagen, dehydration, DNA changes, degradation of the elastin polypeptides and certain disorders in the packing of the lipid matrix of the skin. Whew, that's a lot to combat with a regular anti aging skin cream! I continued to research and ran across more distressing news, this time it was about Collagen. Collagen is often added into "expensive high-end" anti-wrinkle creams. The reason is because Collagen is naturally produced in our skin, and gives it its strength and elasticity. As we age our skin's ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes. This process eventually leads to logic would say its supplementation would help regain our skin's youthful looks, right? Not Exactly! The Collagen in most anti-wrinkle creams is derived from either cattle (bovine) or bird (avian) sources. Collagen in anti-wrinkle creams cannot (once again, cannot) penetrate the skin. And thank God it cannot otherwise we'd all have perpetual allergies. That surprising fact made me mad because most of the skin creams I have used for years have had Collagen in them. What a waste of time and money again! And, you won't believe what I found out about: Free Radicals (and antioxidants) Vitamin C Better Than Botox Creams Lip Plumper's Age Spot Reducers Sun Block (actually CAUSES Wrinkles?) DP3A Idebenone You will soon be hearing a lot more about the last two items on the list. They are part of the SIX most potently effective, (yet completely harmless), scientifically proven anti-aging ingredients that dramatically revive your youthful appearance, possibly completely erase the appearance of wrinkles, tighten your skin, zap 10 to 15 years off your appearance, and get you a glowing radiant complexion...for LIFE...because...they help attack...ALL the known causes of skin-aging. And they can all be found in ONE product.

Source: Grazini

Perfumes-A fragrance delight for your senses

Perfumes are the quintessential hidden and intangible factor that affects all the races that exist on our planet. Their effect on all creatures range from giving mild mood swings to taking us to the dizzying heights of ecstasy.

There are known brands like Boss Hugo perfume, Dolce gabbana perfume , Hilton Paris Perfume, Armani perfume etc and unknown ones also like By perfume, Chanel Perfume, Chloe perfume; from downright cheap to exorbitantly expensive. Used by the police and by priests to general everyday Charlie of the city.

Celebrity endorsed and celebrity launched Britney perfume Spear, Celine Dion Perfume, Jennifer Lopez Perfume, SRK, Bellucci etc. are also around to remind us of the flaunting and luxurious ways of the celebrities around us and give us a chance to feel like them!
The most adopted way to feel fresh is to wear your best-suited perfume. The perfume at its best and well known for its soft tones and everlasting fragrance is the one that you should prefer. These fragrances are available for both men and women. The women perfume should have those milder effects to glorify a women’s charm and beauty altogether. And to define a man’s passion the preferred perfume should have a ravishing smell for men.
It is always advised to wear a perfume that best suits your body. Buying a brand that allures you with its celebrity advertisement is a mere wastage of your time and money both. So have the best fragrance but with a bit of care.
Market trends around the globe clearly show an increased interest in the perfume and fragrance market. From investors to benefactors and consumers, all seem to be profiting from the perfume and fragrance market. Gear up your confidence and blow the minds of people around you by wearing a perfume that suits your body the most.

The increase in demand of fragrance oils and other fragrant natural extracts clearly shows that fragrance counts a lot in our lives. Your personality will get a stunning elegance and appreciation by wearing the fragrance you like. Select a perfume with genuine floral essence mixed with natural ingredients that best suits you for any occasion.

The effect of good perfume in the recovery and healing of patients and sick humans has been relied upon since ancient times. The natural aromas can act like healing agents to bring back that lost glory.

The effect that these fragrances can have in our everyday life. A trendy desire to reflect your style and vigor can be attained by wearing your favorite perfume.

Source: One

Cosmetic value of pearls and pearls jewelry

Do you know that wearing a pearl strand necklace for a long time may help avoid faucitis (sore throat) and hyperthyroidism? This is because long term exposure to pearls can make the human body system "cool down", so wearing a pearl strand may also ease the temper during menopause. Besides, because of the smooth nature of nacre and the elements containing in pearls, the area on your neck, where expose to your pearl necklace, may become very smooth and soft.

In fact, people started to use pearls for medical and cosmetic use as early as 2000 years ago.(More Pearls Knowledge) Pearls contain plenty of chemicals including calcium, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, magnesium, manganese, aluminum, iron, tungsten, zinc, lead, silver, gold, lithium, iodine, zirconium, selenium, etc. The hydrolysate of pearl powder contains all kinds of aminophenol, which are essential for the balance of human body system. Taking pearl powder regularly may enhance metabolism, as a result your skin would become smooth, and it can slow down the aging process.

However, not every person is safe to take pearl powder because some people can't handle the cold nature of pearls, so most people virtually wear pearl jewelry or use pearl powder as a facial mask. By both ways, effective elements in pearl powder can filter through human pores, be absorbed by deep tissue, and result in cosmetic improvements. Pearl powder facial mask is more efficient though. Below are some tips to make a pearl powder facial mask.

1. Pearl powder + fruits + milk
Method: Blend apple, cucumber and pear together, add 2 spoons of milk, 2 spoons of water and 0.3g pearl powder, mix well, then apply on the face, wash away in 15 minutes.

2. Pearl powder + milk + honey + egg white
Method: mix 3 spoons of milk, 1.5 spoons of honey, one egg white and 0.3g pearl powder. Apply on the face, wash away in 15 minutes.

3. Pearl powder + olive oil
Method: mix one spoon of olive oil and 0.15g pearl powder, apply around eyes for 15 minutes and clean it.

Source: Tian

The Top 5 Healing Foods For Healthy, Glowing Skin

Are you one of those consumers? Shelling out big bucks for expensive cosmetics to treat an assortment of skin issues, like wrinkles and dryness. For a fraction of the cost you can treat these skin troubles naturally by eating these 5 healing foods. Green Tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cell membranes. It has been proven to reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light, which in turn reduces the risk of skin cancer. Green tea is high in the cancer-fighting polyphenol, EGCG, this "fountain of youth" helps skin by reactivating dying skin cells. Salmon: Salmon, along with other fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseed, is high in healthy fatty acids that are key for achieving healthy, youthful skin. Omega-3s also reduce the body's production of inflammatory agents that can damage the skin. Blueberries: The antioxidants and phytochemicals (plant sources of nutrition) in blueberries neutralize DNA-damaging free radicals, reducing cell damage, for younger looking skin. Carrots: Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is a required nutrient for healthy skin, and contain high levels of antioxidants, which prevent free radical damage of skin cells. Vitamin A is required for developing and maintaining skin cells, and a deficiency of the vitamin can cause dry skin. Water: Drinking plenty of pure, clean water will help rejuvenates skin cells, keeping your skin young and healthy-looking. Water both hydrates cells and helps them move toxins out and nutrients in. Experts say that when the body is properly hydrated, it sweats more efficiently, which helps keep the skin clean and clear. Foods containing sugar, white flour, saturated fats, and fried foods are especially bad for the skin, since they can trap oil and bacteria beneath the skin. Fancy creams can mask the problem - you must treat your inner nutritional deficiencies before you’ll see improvement on the outside. Try a raw food smoothie every morning and you have skin that glows!

Source: Ku-Lea

Achieving Facel Master Firmness

It had been the most lucrative, successful and pleasurable 4 months since I became a Pink SUZANNE Consultant and I had moved up ranks from SUZANNE Charter Consultant to An Aqua Team Leader. Had I been promoted that quickly when I began my career in the tech industry, I would have become the youngest CEO of a Forbes 500 company.

Anyway, things were going good when one winter morning while I was performing my SUZANNE Hydrating System ritual, I noticed 2 thick railway track like lines running right across my forehead.

I was cemented!! Old age and all its curses had descended upon my young ..correction... old face...

My thoughts went wild, the next step of this ghastly chain reaction would be crows feet, a sagging face and then oh no!! my face was going to emulate a dirt track after a million cars from the Himalayan rally had ridden all over it.. A couple years more and I was going to look like a mummy who escaped from the Cairo museum .

My anxiety made me delirious and all the brouhaha I was causing ejected my husband from his peaceful slumber. Wondering what I was up to , he bolted to our bathroom which he found flooded with my inconsolable tears . " Is it that time of the month already ?" he asked, to that I managed a muffled no and whimpered, " I look a century old when I'm just over a quarter century young". By now my poor half sleepy spouse was consoling me and kindly demanded, "show me what's wrong and lets see if I can fix it with some Gorilla Glue." I embarrassingly exhibited my railway tracks and he starting laughing uncontrollably." Railway tracks .. these lines aren't a zillionth as thick as lines in an Excel Sheet! Woman, what's wrong with you ? Anyway, why are you going on with this Poor Me Syndrome attitude when you already possess the solution! "

" What do you mean I already possess the solution?" I growled. He calmly said, " go use that FaceMaster thing you sell and see if it helps you" and hopped back into a deep slumber before the sentence registered in my head.

" Hallelujah, The FaceMaster!!!!" The only non-surgical, facial muscle stimulator that takes years off your face in minutes. My female ego kicked myself for not thinking about the solution and I sped to my SUZANNE work space and tore open the FaceMaster carton to check the FaceMaster Primary Kit.

The FaceMaster was accompanied not just with a brochure or a one page half hearted leaflet. Quite on the contrary, the kit was an anti-aging rescue squad which included the ultra-light, battery-operated FaceMaster , a 110 neatly packed foam caps, considerably large bottles of the Conductive Solution and the Anti-Aging Peptide Serum, an easy to understand brochure and an hour long DVD which demonstrates how to use the various functions of the FaceMaster. Looking at the spread of contents in front of me brought me to the realization that I could be my own ' knifeless plastic surgeon'

I decided to act immediately and played the DVD with no pre-conceived notions. By following the step by step demonstration I was viewing had me effortlessly start the unit within minutes. Next step, I chose the feathering mode as suggested by the instructor and was happily racing two probes across the railway tracks on my forehead.

Fifteen minutes later, I was looking at a younger me.

This was a miracle, I had lightened lines on my forehead by rubbing two electric probes that were stimulating the muscles to regain their firmness and elasticity. I tried this exercise on the rest of my face and knew that I was already looking better.

By this time, my sweet husband had finally awakened from a satisfying sleep and entered our home office, " Wow, you look like a teenager" he said while he pulled my cheeks and gave me a big cute smile

" I've achieved FaceMaster Firmness" I proudly announced.

" How about a second honeymoon " he said with a naughty wink. Four weeks and twenty eight FaceMaster sessions later, the new young me was whisked away by her prince charming to a second honeymoon in the Caribbean.

Source: Miscall

Do You Need To Exfoliate?

Soft, smooth skin does not come easily to all of us. Most have to work at it! And if your daily skin care regime does not include an exfoliant, maybe it’s time to add it to the mix. What does it do? Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the skin’s surface to promote healthy cell turnover and prevent the buildup of cells from plugging pores and causing blemishes. How often should I exfoliate? Experts agree that gentle exfoliation is key to proper skin care – especially for oily skin. Oilier skin may benefit from exfoliation several times a week, while sensitive skin may be only able to handle it once a week. If your skin becomes red, dry, itchy or sensitive it means you’re going overboard. Some foods have naturally occurring exfoliating properties such as sugar cane, milk, apples, citrus fruits and wine. These products contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids, mild acids that help to remove the outer layer of dull skin, leaving a rejuvenated appearance. Pick up an exfoliating body wash or body cream at any drug store; they’ll even have products to exfoliate that extra tough, super dry foot skin. Gently remove all those nasty damaged, dead and dry cells so fresh, healthy-looking skin can appear.

Source: Ku-Lea