Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Achieving Facel Master Firmness

It had been the most lucrative, successful and pleasurable 4 months since I became a Pink SUZANNE Consultant and I had moved up ranks from SUZANNE Charter Consultant to An Aqua Team Leader. Had I been promoted that quickly when I began my career in the tech industry, I would have become the youngest CEO of a Forbes 500 company.

Anyway, things were going good when one winter morning while I was performing my SUZANNE Hydrating System ritual, I noticed 2 thick railway track like lines running right across my forehead.

I was cemented!! Old age and all its curses had descended upon my young ..correction... old face...

My thoughts went wild, the next step of this ghastly chain reaction would be crows feet, a sagging face and then oh no!! my face was going to emulate a dirt track after a million cars from the Himalayan rally had ridden all over it.. A couple years more and I was going to look like a mummy who escaped from the Cairo museum .

My anxiety made me delirious and all the brouhaha I was causing ejected my husband from his peaceful slumber. Wondering what I was up to , he bolted to our bathroom which he found flooded with my inconsolable tears . " Is it that time of the month already ?" he asked, to that I managed a muffled no and whimpered, " I look a century old when I'm just over a quarter century young". By now my poor half sleepy spouse was consoling me and kindly demanded, "show me what's wrong and lets see if I can fix it with some Gorilla Glue." I embarrassingly exhibited my railway tracks and he starting laughing uncontrollably." Railway tracks .. these lines aren't a zillionth as thick as lines in an Excel Sheet! Woman, what's wrong with you ? Anyway, why are you going on with this Poor Me Syndrome attitude when you already possess the solution! "

" What do you mean I already possess the solution?" I growled. He calmly said, " go use that FaceMaster thing you sell and see if it helps you" and hopped back into a deep slumber before the sentence registered in my head.

" Hallelujah, The FaceMaster!!!!" The only non-surgical, facial muscle stimulator that takes years off your face in minutes. My female ego kicked myself for not thinking about the solution and I sped to my SUZANNE work space and tore open the FaceMaster carton to check the FaceMaster Primary Kit.

The FaceMaster was accompanied not just with a brochure or a one page half hearted leaflet. Quite on the contrary, the kit was an anti-aging rescue squad which included the ultra-light, battery-operated FaceMaster , a 110 neatly packed foam caps, considerably large bottles of the Conductive Solution and the Anti-Aging Peptide Serum, an easy to understand brochure and an hour long DVD which demonstrates how to use the various functions of the FaceMaster. Looking at the spread of contents in front of me brought me to the realization that I could be my own ' knifeless plastic surgeon'

I decided to act immediately and played the DVD with no pre-conceived notions. By following the step by step demonstration I was viewing had me effortlessly start the unit within minutes. Next step, I chose the feathering mode as suggested by the instructor and was happily racing two probes across the railway tracks on my forehead.

Fifteen minutes later, I was looking at a younger me.

This was a miracle, I had lightened lines on my forehead by rubbing two electric probes that were stimulating the muscles to regain their firmness and elasticity. I tried this exercise on the rest of my face and knew that I was already looking better.

By this time, my sweet husband had finally awakened from a satisfying sleep and entered our home office, " Wow, you look like a teenager" he said while he pulled my cheeks and gave me a big cute smile

" I've achieved FaceMaster Firmness" I proudly announced.

" How about a second honeymoon " he said with a naughty wink. Four weeks and twenty eight FaceMaster sessions later, the new young me was whisked away by her prince charming to a second honeymoon in the Caribbean.

Source: http://www.ArticlePros.com/author.php?Aditi Miscall