Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Anti-Aging Research Reveals Skin Can Be Rejuvenated

I recently went to one of those home parties where they sell anti-aging skin care products. I can't believe how many anti aging wrinkle cream products there are in just one line that will help remove all the wrinkles on a face. I have to admit, I was very thrilled with my purchase. I only spent $200.00 and I had the full line of anti aging Platinum products. I was amazed by these anti-aging products! I had one to clean my face, one to tone, then there was a better than botox product for crows feet and the worry line in the middle of my forehead. Then, another wrinkle relief product for my laugh lines, and the special under eye cream. The final step, depending on the time of day, was a cream for daytime use, and another for night. I was sure that my 44 year old face was going back to 25 by the end of the week. And it worked! My skin was soon much smoother than usual, so I continued using all those anti aging products for another two weeks. And, while my wrinkles didn't exactly disappear, I think I did look a tad younger. What's even more surprising is that, even though my products were supposed to last a month, I'm still using the same purchase six months later. Why? Well, it just takes too long to put all of that stuff on! So, I decided to switch off between a few of them and not put everything on every night. Then I decided to do a little research on anti aging products. That's when I discovered some amazing facts about the anti aging skin creams on the market today, and suddenly I wanted my money back! But it wasn't the money, really, I wanted my youthful appearance back, that's why I bought all that stuff in the first place! You see, on the outside, we "look old" because of wrinkles, lines, skin blotchiness, age-spots, loss of skin radiance, sagging skin, "feather" lips, under-eye puffiness, crow's feet and thinning lips. All that crap that sneaks up on us as we age. However, on the inside (the biological level,) skin-aging is caused by: free-radical damage, changes in fat content of skin, changes in skin collagen, dehydration, DNA changes, degradation of the elastin polypeptides and certain disorders in the packing of the lipid matrix of the skin. Whew, that's a lot to combat with a regular anti aging skin cream! I continued to research and ran across more distressing news, this time it was about Collagen. Collagen is often added into "expensive high-end" anti-wrinkle creams. The reason is because Collagen is naturally produced in our skin, and gives it its strength and elasticity. As we age our skin's ability to replace damaged collagen diminishes. This process eventually leads to wrinkles...so logic would say its supplementation would help regain our skin's youthful looks, right? Not Exactly! The Collagen in most anti-wrinkle creams is derived from either cattle (bovine) or bird (avian) sources. Collagen in anti-wrinkle creams cannot (once again, cannot) penetrate the skin. And thank God it cannot otherwise we'd all have perpetual allergies. That surprising fact made me mad because most of the skin creams I have used for years have had Collagen in them. What a waste of time and money again! And, you won't believe what I found out about: Free Radicals (and antioxidants) Vitamin C Better Than Botox Creams Lip Plumper's Age Spot Reducers Sun Block (actually CAUSES Wrinkles?) DP3A Idebenone You will soon be hearing a lot more about the last two items on the list. They are part of the SIX most potently effective, (yet completely harmless), scientifically proven anti-aging ingredients that dramatically revive your youthful appearance, possibly completely erase the appearance of wrinkles, tighten your skin, zap 10 to 15 years off your appearance, and get you a glowing radiant complexion...for LIFE...because...they help attack...ALL the known causes of skin-aging. And they can all be found in ONE product.

Source: http://www.ArticlePros.com/author.php?Evelyn Grazini