Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do You Need To Exfoliate?

Soft, smooth skin does not come easily to all of us. Most have to work at it! And if your daily skin care regime does not include an exfoliant, maybe it’s time to add it to the mix. What does it do? Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the skin’s surface to promote healthy cell turnover and prevent the buildup of cells from plugging pores and causing blemishes. How often should I exfoliate? Experts agree that gentle exfoliation is key to proper skin care – especially for oily skin. Oilier skin may benefit from exfoliation several times a week, while sensitive skin may be only able to handle it once a week. If your skin becomes red, dry, itchy or sensitive it means you’re going overboard. Some foods have naturally occurring exfoliating properties such as sugar cane, milk, apples, citrus fruits and wine. These products contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids, mild acids that help to remove the outer layer of dull skin, leaving a rejuvenated appearance. Pick up an exfoliating body wash or body cream at any drug store; they’ll even have products to exfoliate that extra tough, super dry foot skin. Gently remove all those nasty damaged, dead and dry cells so fresh, healthy-looking skin can appear.

Source: http://www.ArticlePros.com/author.php?Chester Ku-Lea