Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Health and Beauty Should Be Your Concern!

Have you noticed that wearing cosmetics has become more popular today than ever before? Women feel compelled to wear foundation and makeup. They are beginning to think it's normal "not to look" the way they really look. Why is this so? Why do women feel more than ever that their appearance is somehow compromised without makeup? Could it be because of the "ideal look" that mass media has publicized? Undoubtedly, yes. But, it also involves something much more fundamental. Something that has insidiously crept into our lives.

What has changed?

In bygone years, women would simply "tweak" their face with just a little bit of mascara and lipstick. Why was this? Life in general was different. Food was more natural. Eating out was done only on rare occasions. Families ate home cooked meals. Vegetables and fruits were picked from the garden. Meat was not pumped full of hormones. Life was less stressful. All of this promoted health and wellness. Do you remember when obesity was a rarity? Most women generally felt good about their appearance and figures. All that has changed today. Covering up acne, rosacea, large pores, oily skin, is the norm. We have basically entered into a, "I wouldn't be seen by anyone without wearing my makeup", era.

How women feel?

Makeup has become like a mask behind which to hide. Afraid that if they let their guard down, people will think less of them. Leslie Blodgett, a 28 year old real estate agent, said how different she feels when wearing makeup. "When I wake up, I would never answer a knock on the door without putting on my makeup first," she said in a recent interview. "I am a slave to my mirror, I glance in it countless times during the day to make sure that my face looks just so!" Granted, all of us are not satisfied with certain structural features of our complexion, but these basic features are not what women are trying to cover up. Various skin problems seem to be the most troublesome to the majority of women.

How to feel better about yourself?

Instead of living behind a bare minerals mask and not really feeling very good about yourself, why not get down to the root of the problem? Very few skin care problems are really non-fixable. So what needs to be done? First of all recognize the problem, and the actual cause of the problem. This of course may not be so easy. Oftentimes skin issues are actually dietary issues that show up in the complexion. Don't be fooled by the quick solutions and hype that are offered by advertisers. If a problem has been with you for years, chances are there is no pill or cream, quick fix. Find out by searching the web what are the true causes for these problems. Or better yet, visit a reputable health food store, and find out what foods or supplements may help your condition. Don't give up easily because your skin is the body's way of showing you that there is something wrong inside.

Do I take care of my skin properly?

Oftentimes skin problems are the result of poor habits. Habits are harder to break than to recognize. If we don't recognize them ourselves, our last resort is to have someone point it out to us. And that is what we are here for, to possibly help. So what is the most common bad skin care habit? Cleaning the skin! Yes, by far, the most damaging practice is improper washing of the face. This is oftentimes the root cause of blemishes, clogged pores, dermatitis and redness. The cure for these problems are simple. Recognizing that your favorite cleanser is causing the problem is the difficult part. Why? False claims by advertisers! Beauty and bar-soaps have become the cleansing method of choice for most women. But just because something is popular doesn't make it the best choice. If you look at the residue left over in the sink after you wash your face, you will recognize what I am talking about. This residue is responsible for the bulk of skin care problems.

Is my cleanser mild enough?

The next most common problem is the harshness of cleansers. They should be so mild that after rinsing it off, your face should not feel the need for a moisturizer. Now, I'm not saying you don't need one. But, you should not have a tight, itchy feel. If you do, then you need to find a cleanser that is milder. Most personal care products contain Sodium laureth sulfate, or sodium lauryl ether sulfate. This is a surfactant that is known to cause irritation after extended use. If you find that your personal care products contain this surfactant, look for another product. Read ingredient labels carefully to make sure that is free of this chemical. Your skin will be better off in the long run without it. You may even find some of the skin problems you have resolving soon. You may even find yourself hiding behind less makeup, and feeling better about yourself than you ever did before. That's the benefit of being concerned about both health and beauty.